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Graphic Novel for Children


Language: Malayalam & English

This is a process & preview of the book.


This graphic novel was made as a design project in the 2nd semester. The topic I chose for the project was 'hunger'. After doing some research on the topic, I decided to make a set of graphic novels on stories of hunger and other food-related stories. This book is the first part of the series.


The story is written by Santhosh Echikkanam, in Malayalam.


The story, set in Poyinachi village in Kasaragod, Kerala is an ironic take on deprivation and ostentation. The story begins with migrant labourer Gopal Yadav reaching Poyinachi and getting work at the venue of a rich, fat Muslim wedding. Yadav, who is from a remote village in Jharkhand, is awed by the extravaganza of the whole affair. What he sees and shrinks back from takes Yadav down memory lane when he and his family had struggled to even have one proper meal.

Page 03a.jpg
Page 02a.jpg

Character Development

Gopal a.jpg

Page layouting


Colouring trails on characters


Page layouts(before inking)


Hand-done Lettering(dialogues)


Final Colouring style

01 (3).jpg
Pencil Lines Comparison.jpg
Book Mockup.jpg

© 2020  Athul Jayaraman 

I am an empty glass.

Special thanks to Jerusha & Siddharth for helping me translate the story to English.

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