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Poster Series

Kingdom Animalia


Kingdom Animalia was a poster series I created as a personal project when I was going through a personal change of sorts. I was living in a hut with five dogs for about 6 months. This might not make sense to the reader as to why I made these illustrations, but it's too difficult to explain.


These are studies of a few animals and birds on my sketchbook. This was later scanned and digitally coloured with a mouse(I hadn't discovered that graphic tablets exist).

Poster 1.jpg
Poster 6.jpg
Poster 2.jpg
Poster 5.jpg
Poster 4.jpg
Poster 8.jpg
Poster 7.jpg
Poster 3.jpg
Poster 9.jpg

© 2020  Athul Jayaraman 

I am an empty glass.

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